Flood Protection, American-Made Flood Walls, Hundreds of Systems installed Coast-to-Coast
Flood Wall BarriersFlood ProofingFlood Barriers-ClosuresFlood Wall Barriers - Perimeter Wall
A perimeter flood wall is a removable flood protection system that is designed to be a free-standing wall. A perimeter flood wall may enclose an area, or it may tie into concrete flood walls or an earth levee.
Despite the fact that this installation of the Invisible Flood Control Wall is protecting a building, it is not strictly a flood proofing application. The design uses a perimeter wall configuration, enclosing the building on three sides and tying into high earth on the fourth side.
With two projects in Valley City, ND, Flood Control America’s flood protection barrier system comprises over 12,000 Sq. ft. varying in height from 3′ to 12′.
In the wake of massive flooding following Hurricane Sandy, FCA manufactured a free-standing flood wall to enclose the Verizon Building at 140 West.
This perimeter flood wall spans to runways on the banks of the Mississippi River. The flood protection system ties into earth levees, as well as concrete flood walls.

Flood Proofing
Flood proofing of structures can be achieved using the Invisible Flood Control Wall. The flood wall system can be endlessly customized to protect doors and windows to help achieve dry flood proofing.
This is a flood proofing project at a hybrid office/communications facility that was prone to chronic flooding in the Pacific Northwest.
Flood Barriers - Closures
The flood wall closure is an application wherein the overall flood protection system mainly comprises a concrete wall or earth levee, and the removable flood wall planks simply drop in a short span to close the system.
The removable flood wall system in East Grand Forks allowed the city to develop a massively successful commercial center along the riverfront, including a Cabellas, Applebees, and local mom and pop businesses.